Illustration has the power to...


…Add beautiful character to your brand.

Stand out from the crowd and connect with your audience in a new way that generates engagement. Whether that's on your Social Media or on your website, a perfect illustration can set you apart from your competition when advertising the launch of a new product. Website icons don’t have to be bland; they can be full of character. Have you ever considered bringing illustration into your brand?

Here are ways bespoke illustrations can support your business.⁠

1. They can form a beautiful part of your logo and branding⁠

2. They can form part of your look and feel across your Social Media.⁠

3. Bespoke illustrations can be used across your brand, making them unique for your business. ⁠

4. Have you ever considered illustrations on clothing?⁠

I absolutely love to draw and the possibilities of how these can be used in your business are endless…⁠

Illustrations within menu and logo designs.

Illustrations within menu and logo designs.

⁠Illustrations have a way of bringing personality and joy onto a page. You simply can’t beat a hand drawn piece of artwork. ⁠I absolutely love creating personable illustrations, that reflect your brand. ⁠

Illustrations within social media marketing and clothing designs.

Illustrations within social media marketing and clothing designs.

If you are interested in working with me on an illustration project for your business, please have a look at my services page and get in touch.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

kathryn Philpott